The archival records of the History and Archives Committee of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre of Montreal (JCCCM) were housed in Rei and Kim Nakashima’s basement prior to their donation to the McGill University Archives in October 2005. The archives, which contain documents in diverse formats, record the internment of Japanese Canadians in British Columbia during WWII and their subsequent move to Montreal; document the activities which culminated in the 1977 Centennial Celebrations to commemorate the arrival of the first Japanese immigrant, Manzo Nagano, in Canada; and trace the activities that led to the Redress agreement in 1988, when the Canadian Government, under Brian Mulroney, apologized for the treatment of Japanese Canadians during WWII and offered symbolic financial compensation. As well, the archives maintain a record of the JCCCM’s social outreach, community involvement, and cultural contributions, including efforts to preserve Japanese Canadian oral histories and memorabilia.
For detailed description and information about the collection see also sections Finding Aid and About.
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McGill University , © 2008