Records Transfer Procedures
Attention McGill Staff
Please be advised that the Records Management Division of the University Archives
is announcing crucial changes in records transfer procedures. Specifically, the Records
Management Division will no longer accept transferred records without explicit prior authorization
from Records Management staff. Authorization will take the form of a confirmation email, sent to your
unit from the university's Records Analyst, upon receipt and review of the transfer documentation.
Documentation includes an accurate file list and supporting covering letter. Instructions for
completing the file list can be found at
Please note that any boxes received by the University Archives without the proper authorization will
be sent back to your unit, at your unit's expense.
Due to space limitations, if you office is unable to arrange for transfer of approved records
within one week of the approval date, please contact the McGill University Archives to reconfirm approval.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns,
please feel free to contact the McGill University Records Management Division at ext. 3772.
Alex Richmond
Senior Archivist, Records Management