Announcements 2005
The University Archives Participates in Remembrance Day Event
(November 21, 2005)
Led by a lone piper, Principal Heather Munroe-Blum, war veterans, McGill faculty, students and staff made a solemn procession from the Roddick Gates to the foyer of the Arts Building, where the traditional November 11th moment of silence to remember those who served and sacrificed their lives in past wars and present conflicts was observed.
The University Archives paid tribute to the men and women of McGill who served during World War II with a physical and virtual exhibit portraying the life and times of McGill University before, during, and after World War II. Called "McGill Remembers: World War II, 1945-2005," the exhibit was on display in the hallway leading to the foyer of the Arts Building. Currently, the exhibit can be viewed just outside the University Archives' main office (McLennan Library Building, Street Level, Room MS-60) and on the web.
Inspired by the research and web project developed by Wes Cross (Student Services) and Dr. Chris Milligan (Faculty of Education), the McGill Remembers exhibit seeks to memorialize and raise awareness about the men and women of McGill -- many of them as young as the students in attendance -- who served and died during the Second World War.

New Archivist Joins the McGill University Archives
(October 14 , 2005)
On October 3, 2005, Alex Richmond joined the McGill University Archives as the new Senior Archivist, Records Management. Alex will be responsible for the University Archives' records management program and will have a strategic role in future digitalpermanence initiatives.
Meanwhile, Senior Archivist Gordon Burr is taking on a new University Archives portfolio: Collections Management/Digital Services.
The University Archives wishes them both much success.

Access to the McGill University Records Retention Rules (MURRS) Improved
(June 20 , 2005)
In an effort to make the university's records retention rules more accessible and therefore more useful to staff, the University Archives has listed by categories all the types of records created by McGill units along with their respective retention rule.
The retention schedule listing replaces the retention schedule search system, which is currently under revision.

digitalpermanence: Email Conversion Software Report
(June 10 , 2005)
The McGill University Archives is exploring email conversion software in an effort to convert emails from their native and proprietary format to a non-proprietary format in order to ensure long-term preservation and accessibility.
A brief report [PDF, 36KB] outlining our tests and results with a product called ABC Amber Outlook Converter is available.
This work forms part of our ongoing digitalpermanence initiative.

digitalpermanence: Transfer and Access Protocols document available
(May 30 , 2005)
As part of the digitalpermanence initiative, The McGill University Archives has written a discussion document called digitalpermanence: Transfer and Access Protocols (electronic records) [PDF, 328KB] in an effort to develop the procedures for the transfer of and access to McGill University's institutional electronic records.
For the full announcement, please visit the digitalpermanence News section.

McGill University Archives' Presence on the McGill Web System
(April 4 , 2005)
The McGill University Archives (MUA) has an alternate home on the Web, courtesy of the McGill Web System (WPS). The MUA's new webpage, (www.mcgill.ca/archives), gives us a presence on McGill's central web servers and acts as a bridge to our locally hosted reference services and archival resources.

Scanning Standards for Administrative Records Available
(February 8 , 2005)
As part of the digitalpermanence initiative, the McGill University Archives has released its draft document (pending final approval) on scanning standards and procedures for McGill units considering a document imaging project.
McGill units considering such a project are encouraged to consult the Scanning Standards document and contact the University Archives (x3772) in order to become more aware of the records management and archival ramifications of document imaging.
The Scanning Standards document [PDF] is available to download.

New McGill University Archives Terms of Reference Approved
(February 4 , 2005)
An updated Terms of Reference was approved by the University.
These new Terms replace the prior version with updated language, statement regarding the Records Retention Schedule, and the University Archives' acquisition policy.
Read the new Terms of Reference.
