Business Process Checklist |
[PDF version, 39KB]  |
NOTE: The following are selected questions aimed at prompting further analysis of the purpose and outcome of scanning initiatives. These questions do not necessarily represent a comprehensive business process analysis and may be require additional questions based on consultation with campus experts (ISR, MUA). |
- Record-keeping Authority/Responsibilities:
- Legal/administrative requirements: Have you consulted with the MUA regarding the MURRS requirements associated with these documents?
- What file format will the vendor/imaging product deliver? Is the format one reviewed and approved by ISR and MUA? Is the resulting data expected to replace paper records?
All records created and accumulated in the course of McGill administrative activities are governed by the MURRS (McGill University Records Retention Schedule). Any scanning activities or proposed replacement of existing paper systems must be in compliance with MURRS.
- Documentation:
- Who is the creator of the documents? What is the content/purpose of the documents in relation to your office functions and business processes? Are the documents related to McGill enterprise systems (ie: HR, Finance or Student Records functions)?
- What are the key search fields for the document(s)? Has the document(s) previously been indexed? Is there a standard vocabulary or authority list of terms used for indexing?
The above information may be obvious but is essential to an analysis of workflow and an understanding of how and why the scanning is beneficial. Ensure the project documentation includes office name, positions responsible for creation of the documents, descriptions of the content and purpose of the documents concerned in relation to your office functions and business processes.
- If the documents are related to enterprise functions (ie: finance, HR or student records), have you consulted with ISR regarding the initiative?
- Has ISR been involved in the selection of the product? Project documentation should include details on the nature of the product, vendor contact information.
- Process Mapping:
- How are the document(s) currently used? (ie: who has access, reviews and/or approves the document)?
- How often are the document(s) accessed/used?
- How do the document(s) relate to other records maintained by your office?
- Are multi copies of the document kept?
- Project responsibility:
- Who will be responsible for Document Imaging in your area?
- What kind of schedule do you plan to maintain for scanning? Daily, Weekly, Monthly?
- Number of people to be trained?