Hail, Alma Mater, McGill University Song Book, 1921 close window
Hail Alma Mater Music Sheet, McGill University Songbook, 1921
"Hail, Alma Mater," McGill University’s song, was first published in the 1921 version of the McGill University Song Book.

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The first McGill University Song Book appeared in 1879, compiled by an unidentified arts student. It included popular American and English pieces, ten songs about McGill and folk songs including what may be the earliest published version of "Alouette." The 1885 edition was compiled by a committee including Charles Moyse (later Dean of Arts), and Bernard J, Harrington (the first Macdonald Professor of Chemistry). While the origin of many of the songs and the first compilation remain unknown, there is evidence that songs and singing formed an integral part of 19th and early 20th Century student life.

"Hail, Alma Mater" is first noted in the program for Principal and Vice-Chancellor Douglas's Installation in 1938. Since 1938 it is a regular feature of Installation and Convocation ceremonies.

["Hail, Alma Mater," from a recording by The Merry Martlets. Presented by the Graduates’ Society of McGill University, n.d. The Merry Martlets appeared courtesy of the McGill Choral Society  -  Gifford Mitchell, director]

Note on sources: "McGill Songs and Song Books" by Faith Wallis, address to the James McGill Society, 1977. McGill University Archives, Information Files McGill University Song Book, Reading Room.

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